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4 DIY summer wreaths

Wreaths are not just for Christmas, nor are they just for your front door. Make your whole home beautiful with these quick and easy diy summer wreaths.

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When a huge box of goodies arrived from corsage creations,I was planning on making one wreath for my front door. But I couldn't stop at one. So I've created 4 beautiful modern wreaths that you'll just have to make too!

Dahlia and Hydrangea wreath

I love the free form of this wreath, as it uses no hoop for structure just the curve of the Ivy as it twists around.

Dahlia and Hydrangea wreath

Dahlia and Hydrangea wreath

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Active Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes


  • Large Ivy bush
  • Blush pink hydrangea
  • 2 cream dahlias
  • 2 pink dahlias
  • Bullion wire


  • Wire snips
  • Glue gun


  1. Gather your materials
  2. Form the ivy into a rough circle and secure with wire.
  3. Remove the flowers and foliage from the their stalks.
  4. Glue the foliage into the wreath
  5. Finally glue the flowers in place

Pink ribbon wreath

Not just for front doors, this pink ribbon wreath looks fantastic on my grey fireplace.

Pink ribbon wreath

Pink ribbon wreath

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes


  • 25mm double face satin ribbon in pale pink
  • 60cm wedding hoop
  • silk spiral eucalyputus spray
  • 2 garden roses in light pink
  • 2 garden roses in cream
  • spray of lambs ear


  • Glue gun
  • scissors


  1. Gather your materials
  2. Secure the end of the ribbon onto the hoop with the glue gun. Then wrap the ribbon around the hoop until completely covered.
  3. Cut and secure the loose end with the glue gun.
  4. Add the spray of eucalyptus to the left hand bottom of the hoop and the lambs ear to the right hand side. Secure them by twisting the stalks around the hoop. You might need to add wire if it is not secure enough
  5. Remove the roses and their leaves from the stalks
  6. Glue the rose leaves in the center
  7. Finally glue the roses in the center

Easy rose wreath

You can't beat classic roses in a wreath. This one is full of beautiful blooms and will look beautiful where ever you hang it.

Easy Rose wreath

Easy Rose wreath

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes

Looking for ideas to make a summer wreath for your front door? This diy rose wreath is quick and easy. A modern take using large flowers. Learn how to make this homemade wreath today!


  • 40cm wedding hoop in white
  • 2 bunches of roses and hydrangeas 
  • Green bullion wire
  • Artifical Ivy garland


  • Glue Gun
  • Wire snips
  • Scissors


  1. Gather your materials
  2. Wrap the Ivy around the hoop
  3. Secure with the floral wire
  4. Continue until the hoop is completely covered
  5. Remove the flowers and their foliage from the plastic stems
  6. Using the glue gun, secure the foliage and base flowers onto the wreath
  7. Finally glue on the roses.

Magnolia and peony wreath

Wrap the Ivy around the hoop

Wrap the Ivy around the hoop

Gather your materials

This wreath combines two of my favourite flowers. I love the bohemian ribbon loops hanging down. Great for photo props as well as decorating your door.

Magnolia and Peony wreath

Magnolia and Peony wreath

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Active Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Difficulty: easy


  • 60cm wedding hoop
  • Silk eucalyptus bush 
  •  2 sprays of Pink magnolia flowers and buds
  • 2 sprays of pale pink peonys and buds
  • 25mm double faced satin ribbon


  • Scissors
  • Glue gun


  1. Gather your supplies
  2. Cut 8 arm lengths of ribbon. Fold around the hoop and secure with a glue gun near the hoop.
  3. Cut the foliage off the main plastic stalks. Arrange so it is roughly symmetrical either side of the ribbon loops. Attach with a glue gun.
  4. Remove blooms from their stalks. Play around with the arrangement until you are happy with the position of the flowers and buds. Avoid symmetry with the flowers. Think about grouping some and having some on their own.
  5. Once you are happy, glue in place.

Don't forget to Pin it for later!

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Darren Bourne

Saturday 25th of July 2020

Roses .

Tee Simpson

Saturday 25th of July 2020

I love peonies.

Sarah Roberts

Saturday 25th of July 2020

l adore Hydrangea's and Peonies so beautiful!

Phillipa H

Saturday 25th of July 2020


fiona d

Saturday 25th of July 2020

I love lilies

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